اگر از کسانی بودید که مشتاق به اضافه شدن مادها به Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War 3 بودید باید بگوییم که زمان انتظار به انتها رسیده چون این بازی با بهروزرسانی جدید از مادها پشتیبانی میکند.
تیم سازنده Relic Entertainment بهروزرسانی جدیدی برای این بازی معرفی کردند که سازندگان ماد را بسیار خوشحال خواهد کرد. در این بهروزرسانی همچنین قابلیت پشتیبانی از Steam Workshop نیز به این اثر اضافه خواهد شد. شما میتوانید لیست کامل تغییرات در این بهروزرسانی را در بخش زیر مشاهده کنید:
- Modding tools added
- Steam Workshop support added for new mod tools
- Autosave added to campaign
- Balance update (multiplayer only, balance changes do not apply to the campaign)
- Vehicle health upgrades will now apply to player-made structures
Buildable turrets for all factions have had their Power cost decreased from 60 to 50- Diomedes, Terminators, Mad Dread, and Wraithblades no longer gain Fury while attacking neutral objects
- The slowing effect from Devastators, upgraded Lootas, Terminators, and Dark Reapers are now classed as a new status effect: suppression
- Suppression does not stack with other sources of suppression, but the highest value of suppression will override the other sources
- Power Generator initial Requisition cost increased from 80 to 100
- Power Generator scaling Requisition cost increased from 16 to 50
- Power rate per generator decreased from 25 to 20
- Power reward from killing enemy Shield Generators decreased from 100
- Power to 50 Power
Escalation Phases
- Phase 2: Power generator bonus increased from 50% to 87.5%
- Phase 3: Power generator bonus increased from 50% to 62.5%
- Phase 4: Power generator bonus increased from 25% to 30%
Tactical Marine
- Reduced damage of Flamer upgrade from 5 to 3.75
- Reduced damage over time of Flamer upgrade from 20 to 8
- Reduced cost of Flamer upgrade from 75 Requisition / 50 Power to 75 Requisition / 40 Power
- Reduced cost of Plasma gun upgrade from 100 Requisition / 50 Power to 75 Requisition / 40 Power
Bug Fixes
- Frag Grenade: Fixed a bug where Frag Grenades would fail to throw when Tactical Marines with plasma guns were overheating
Scout SniperDoctrines
- Hidden: This has been changed to an activated ability, and now grants stealth and increases movement speed by 1.5 for 20 seconds
- Cover Fire: This has been changed to a toggled ability
- Cover Fire: While active, shots apply a slow (that does not stack with other suppression effects) for 2 seconds
- Cost increased from 200 Requisition to 250 Requisition
- Damage increased from 1.15 to 1.44
- Blind Grenade’s stun duration reduced from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds
Heavy Bolter Devastator
- New upgrade option added to the Armory: Improved Suppression (60 Req, 60 Power)
- When researched, Heavy Bolter Devastator’s slow on-hit is increased to -2 speed
Lascannon Devastator
- Beam inteneity 3 damage reduced from 6.5 to 5.42
- Beam intensity charges at half speed when firing at infantry units
- Time to charge to full beam intensity increased from 8 seconds to 9 seconds
Land SpeederDoctrines
- Lone Wolf: No longer deactivates when close to allies; it will only deactivate when too close to your own troops
- Lone Wolf: Area of effect decreased by half
- Inferno Missiles: Initial damage reduced from 45 to 36
- Inferno Missiles: Damage over time reduced from 19.2 damage per second to 12 damage per second (per missile)
- Inferno Missiles: Missile scatter increased from 0 to 15
Chaplain DiomedesBug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Diomedes could move while casting Liturgies of Battle
- Fixed a bug where Diomedes’ buffs would disappear after casting when he is disabled
Additional Changes
- Drop pods no longer cause damage to multiplayer objectives (i.e. Shield Generators, Turrets, Power Cores)
- Blessing of the Omnissiah: Healing per second increased from 6 to 30 and removed the +2 passive health regeneration while in combat
- Improved Deathstorm: For the first 15 seconds after deployment, Deathstorm drop pods project an aura that grants 250 shields to nearby units. The shield will persist for a short duration even if the units leave the aura or the Deathstorm is destroyed. Multiple Deathstorms do not cause this effect to stack, but they will heal existing shields of the same type.
Howling Banshee
- Quick Strike cost reduced from 75 Requisition / 50 Power to 75 Requisition / 40 Power
- Quick Strike damage increased from 30 to 45
- Banshee Rage: Instead of triggering after 6 kills, it now requires 900 damage to be dealt
Dark ReaperDoctrines
- Teleport Beacon: Beacon no longer expires after a duration
- Teleport Beacon: Reduced cast time on Beacon Deploy from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
- Teleport Beacon: Gain 3 seconds of instant setup and teardown after using Recall; no longer have to teardown if squads are already setup and the beacon is cast within range
- Reaper Focus: No longer increases line of sight while in heavy cover or stealth cover
- Reaper Focus: If Dark Reapers are within range of a Webway Gate, their ranged attacks will slow enemy units by -1
- Cost decreased from 330 Requisition / 20 Power to 330 Requisition / 15 Power
- Ranger Focus: Damage increased by 25%
- Speed increased from 3 to 4
- Increased rate of Fury generation for Vengeance by 50%
- Swift Vengeance: Functionality of this doctrine has been overhauled; Swift Vengeance now causes Wraithblades to move as if they are within range of a Webway Gate when Vengeance is full, although this effect does not stack with Fleet of Foot
- Enhanced Battle Focus: Energy drain reduced from 60 per shot to 50 per shot and no longer drains 2 energy per second while active
- Health increased from 375 to 450
- Shields increased from 125 to 150
- Missile launcher rotation rate increased from 58 to 174
- Temporal Mine: Casting time is now instant
- Temporal Mine: Activation time is now instant
- Temporal Mine: Increased activation radius by 60%
- Temporal Stun: Stun duration decreased from 3 seconds to 2 seconds
- Temporal Stun: The stun now occurs when the bomb first explodes
- Vyper Haste: When attacked, gain 50% movement speed for 5 seconds and reduce damage received by 50%
- Vyper Haste: Can only trigger once every 20 seconds
- Vyper Haste: No longer grants a burst of speed when shields are destroyed
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Temporal Mines couldn’t be targeted in the fog of war
- Falcon Haste: Changed to an activated ability that increases movement speed by 3 for 10 seconds
Ranger Ronahn
- Fire rate reduced from 9 seconds to 7 seconds
- Time to generate a charge outside of stealth cover lowered from 85 seconds to 60 seconds
- Time to generate a charge inside of stealth cover lowered from 57 seconds to 40 seconds
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Ronahn had to setup his rifle again after Snapfire had expired
- Damage increased from 250 to 350
- Glaive Charge damage increased from 200 to 500
- Glaive Charge damage type changed from True to Armour Piercing
- Glaive Charge speed increased from 8 to 10
- Ethereal Wall duration increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds
Additional Changes
- Shield generation upgrade Power cost reduced from 75 to 60
- Reinforcement now returns 1/X% of the squad’s shields, where X is the number of models left in the squad
- Vehicle shield upgrades increased in effectiveness from 25% to 50%
- Deployable Energy Shields: No longer requires Tier 2
- Deployable Energy Shields: Power cost reduced from 50 to 30
- Deployable Energy Shields: Health decreased from 1500 to 1000
- Deployable Energy Shields: Construction time increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds
- Thump from Da Sky: Boyz now pick a nearby target position and channel, gaining a charge every 1.25 seconds up to a maximum of 3 seconds. At the end of the ability, if the unit is not killed or disrupted, it will deal 20 damage in a 6m radius and knock back enemies.
- Thump from Da Sky: Channel time reduced from 4.25 seconds to 3.875 ]seconds
- Thump from Da Sky: Reduced knockback distance by 63%
- Thump from Da Sky: Removed global cooldown
- Thump from Da Sky: Can now be interrupted during channeling
- Magnetz: Decreased the cooldown from 60 seconds to 40 seconds
- Magnetz: For 10 seconds, Lootas are under the effect of Magnetik Boost – which allows them to instantly setup and teardown
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Lootas would often try to run back to their original position after using Magnetik Boost
- Squigs can now be auto-targeted by enemy units
- Squigs have lower attack priority than other units
- Health increased from 550 to 650
- Damage increased from 9.25 to 11.1
- Warning Grot: Now deals 300 Armour Piercing damage
Killa Kan
- Decreased the max number of rokkit charges after looting from 6 to 5
- Long Range Rokkits: Now requires a minimum of 3 rokkits to trigger
- Long Range Rokkits: Triggering the ability costs 3 rokkits
- Long Range Rokkits: Recharge time lowered from 30 seconds to 25 seconds
- Long Range Rokkits: Provides vision as they’re traveling
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Long Range Rokkits would sometimes deal damage to allies
Big TrakkDoctrines
- Smoke Shells: Grants 35% damage reduction to allied units in the Smoke Shells
Deff DreadDoctrines
- Bigga Scrap Shield: Increased cooldown from 45 seconds to 60 seconds
- Bigga Scrap Shield: Now heals up to 1000 health over 10 seconds
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Bigga Scrap Shield did not always block ranged damage
Weirdboy Zappnoggin
- Scrap Blast cooldown increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds
- Health increased from 2500 to 2800
- Sneaky speed bonus icnreased from 2 to 3
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where his shotgun would not knock enemies back if he had attacked from stealth, then used Sneaky to re-stealth
- Fixed a bug where Stun Trap would not stun units that jump into its radius
Mad Dread
- Loot (Passive) healing increased from 300 to 475
- Rampage (Passive) healing increased from 1375 to 1575
- Rampage (Passive) shields increased from 1250 to 1750
- New ability added
- Enables the Mad Dread to charge forward in a line, dealing damage and knocking back enemies
- Colliding with a vehicle or super unit immobilizes and damages them for a 10-second period
Additional Changes
- Waaagh Towers Power cost increased from 75 Requisition / 75 Power to 125 Requisition / 85 Power
- Waaagh! buff damage bonus reduced from 50% to 35%
- Waaagh! buff speed bonus decreased from 3 to 2
- Fixed an issue where the Waaagh! granted by Gorgutz’ Spinnin’ Klaw would stack with the original Waaagh!
- Longa Waaagh! upgrade’s Power cost increased from 25 to 75
- Longa Waaagh! upgrade’s Requisition cost increased from 0 to 75
- Longa Waaagh! upgrade now increases the damage buff of Waaagh! to 50%
- Longa Waaagh! upgrade’s speed buff of Waaagh! increased to 3
- Pile O’ Gunz no longer requires 1 Waaagh Tower to construct
- Scrap Sight: Renamed to Scrap Shielda
- Scrap Shielda: Removed old properties and no longer triggers on enemies, allies, or squads
- Scrap Shielda: Now grants 125 shields in a 15m radius around your own destroyed vehicles and structures
- Fixed instances where splashing water from super units could be seen through the fog of war on Mortis Vale
- Multiplayer AI now builds less addons and Listening Posts and is less likely to build addons when owning a smaller army than their opponent
- Space Marine Standards captured after the healing begins will no longer continue to heal
- Fixed an issue that occurred when loading a Mission 9 save file created on a previous game version, which would cause the Destroy Scrap objective to break
Units & Abilities
- Fixed a bug where Assault Marines lost the ability to melee after being caught by Autarch Kyre’s Skyleap and Eldritch Winds during a Jump
- Fixed a bug where the Imperial Knight Paladin’s Armour Piercing Shot would destroy Fire Prisms in a single hit
- Fixed a bug where the Fire Prism wouldn’t damage structures or units with attack-ground
- Keep Trukk’n: Fixed a bug where this ability was working inconsistently, occasionally failing to taunt units
User Interface
- When hovering over equipped doctrines, the description video now appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen
- Fixed some instances where tooltips on some paints appeared as invalid
- Fixed a bug where viewing doctrine videos caused an FPS drop each time this action was repeated, which would persist until restarting the game
- Fixed the display of the Manufactorum minimap icon in the match history screen
- Fixed a bug where switching between a custom skin and a mastery skin prevented the re-selection of the custom skin
- Fixed a display issue that occurred when playing in French where some tutorial text was overlapping
- Fixed an issue with the Wraithlord’s Glaive Charge where the artwork would not display properly
- Fixed an issue where the Roks ability was pixelated in places
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