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اعلام تخفیف‌های جدید PlayStation Store

اعلام تخفیف‌های جدید PlayStation Store

وی جی مگ: شرکت سونی در آخرین دقایق ماه نوامبر از فلش سیل و تخفیف‌های جدید PlayStation Store رونمایی کرد.

به گزارش وی جی مگ، تخفیف‌های جدید PlayStation Store شامل عناوین فرست پارتی قابل توجهی می‌شود. برای مثال یکی از این بازی‌ها عنوان Gravity Rush 2 است که توسط Sony Japan توسعه یافته و اکنون با قیمت 6 دلار قابل خرید است. باید اشاره کرد این تخفیف‌ها تا آخر هفته ادامه داشته و پیشنهاد می‌شود با دقت کافی برای خرید بازی‌های مورد علاقه خود اقدام کنید. لیست کامل این عناوین را می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده کنید.

Game Price % Off
Adventure Time Pirates of the Enchiridion $8.99 70%
Always Sometimes Monsters $1.99 80%
Amnesia: Collection $8.99 70%
Aragami $5.99 70%
Archangel $8.99 70%
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles Trilogy $7.49 70%
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate $14.99 70%
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Gold Edition $20.99 70%
Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection $14.99 70%
Battlefield Bundle $7.49 75%
Battlefield 1 $4.99 75%
Battlefield 1 Revolution $14.99 75%
Battlefield Anniversary Bundle $29.99 70%
Battlefield Hardline Deluxe Edition $6.24 75%
Battlefield Hardline Ultimate Edition $14.99 75%
Beholder Complete Edition $3.74 75%
Ben 10 $5.99 70%
BioShock: The Collection $14.99 75%
Birthdays the Beginning $19.99 50%
Black Mirror $11.99 70%
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection $14.99 75%
Broforce $3.74 75%
Bully $8.99 40%
Burnout Paradise Remastered $7.99 60%
BUTCHER $2.99 70%
BUTCHER – Special Edition Bundle $3.24 75%
Catlateral Damage $2.99 70%
ClusterTruck $2.99 80%
Cosmic Star Heroine $4.49 70%
Creed: Rise to Glory $8.99 70%
Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online $14.99 70%
Danger Zone $4.49 70%
Dangerous Golf $5.99 70%
Dark Rose Valkyrie $5.99 80%
Dead Rising $5.99 70%
Dead Rising 2 $5.99 70%
Dead Rising 2 Off The Record $5.99 70%
Dead Rising Triple Pack $14.87 75%
Divinity: Original Sin – Enhanced Edition $9.99 75%
Downwell $1.24 75%
Dragon Age: Inquisition – Game of the Year Edition $11.99 70%
EA Family Bundle $11.99 70%
Eagle Flight $5.99 70%
Earthfall $17.99 40%
Earthfall Deluxe $23.99 40%
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky $17.99 70%
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force $11.99 60%
Fe $5.99 70%
Goosebumps: The Game $4.49 70%
Grand Kingdom $14.99 50%
Gravity Rush 2 $5.99 70%
Guts & Glory $4.49 70%
Hasbro Family Fun Pack – Conquest Edition $11.99 70%
Hatoful Boyfriend $1.99 80%
Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star $1.99 80%
Hello Neighbor $8.99 70%
HITMAN – Game of the Year Edition $14.99 75%
Hollow Knight Voidheart Edition $9.89 34%
Hotel Transylvania 3 Monsters Overboard $8.99 70%
Hotline Miami $2.49 75%
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number $3.74 75%
Hotline Miami Collection $4.99 75%
Human: Fall Flat $5.99 60%
Hunting Simulator $9.99 75%
INVERSUS Deluxe $4.49 70%
L.A. Noire $19.99 50%
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition $6.89 70%
Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition $2.49 75%
Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition – OST Combo $3.24 75%
Mafia III $9.99 75%
Mafia III Deluxe Edition $14.99 75%
Manhunt $8.99 40%
Marooners $2.99 70%
Mass Effect: Andromeda – Deluxe Recruit Edition $11.99 70%
Mass Effect: Andromeda – Standard Recruit Edition $8.99 70%
Max Payne $8.99 40%
Megadimension Neptunia VII $11.99 60%
Megadimension Neptunia VIIR $17.99 70%
METAL SLUG 3 $4.49 70%
METAL SLUG XX $5.99 70%


Game Price % Off
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst $5.99 70%
Monopoly Family Fun Pack $5.99 70%
Mother Russia Bleeds $3.74 75%
MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore $7.49 75%
NAtURAL DOCtRINE $5.99 60%
Need for Speed $5.99 70%
Need for Speed Deluxe Edition $7.49 70%
Need for Speed Payback $11.99 70%
Need for Speed Payback – Deluxe Edition $17.99 70%
Need for Speed Rivals $5.99 70%
Nidhogg $2.99 80%
Nidhogg 2 $4.49 70%
Not A Hero $2.59 80%
Octodad: Dadliest Catch $2.99 80%
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir $17.99 70%
Omega Quintet $5.99 80%
Peggle 2 Magical Masters Edition $4.49 70%
Plague Inc: Evolved $4.49 70%
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare $5.99 70%
Primal Carnage: Extinction $3.99 80%
Prison Architect: Escape Mode Bundle $11.69 70%
Prison Architect: PlayStation 4 Edition $7.49 70%
PSYCHO-PASS: Mandatory Happiness $14.99 50%
Pure Chess Complete Bundle $5.99 70%
PvZ GW2 – Frosty Standard Edition $5.99 70%
R.B.I. Baseball 18 $5.99 70%
Rayman Legends $9.99 75%
Red Dead Revolver $8.99 40%
RONIN $1.99 80%
RUGBY 18 $14.99 75%
School Girl/Zombie Hunter $11.99 70%
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun $24.99 50%
Shadow Warrior $7.49 75%
Sine Mora EX $5.99 70%
Skullgirls 2nd Encore $7.49 70%
Skulls of the Shogun $2.99 70%
Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition $7.99 80%
SpeedRunners $2.99 70%
STAR WARS Battlefront Ultimate Edition $5.99 70%
STARWHAL $3.59 70%
Steredenn: Binary Stars $3.89 70%
STRIDER $2.99 80%
Super Meat Boy $1.49 90%
Super Mega Baseball $2.99 85%
Super Mega Baseball 2 $8.99 70%
Terraria: PS4 Edition $5.99 70%
The Disney Afternoon Collection $4.99 75%
The Dwarves $11.99 70%
The Order: 1886 $5.99 70%
The Raven Remastered $8.99 70%
The Shadow Warrior Collection $17.99 70%
The Sims 4 Bundle $24.99 50%
The Sims 4 Bundle – Get to Work, Dine Out, Cool Kitchen Stuff $24.99 50%
The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs $19.99 50%
The Sims 4 City Living $19.99 50%
The Sims 4 Dine Out $9.99 50%
The Sims 4 Get to Work $19.99 50%
The Sims 4 Seasons $19.99 50%
The Solus Project $5.99 70%
The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition $9.99 80%
The Technomancer $9.99 75%
The Warriors $8.99 40%
Titan Souls $3.74 75%
Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition $11.99 70%
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs $14.99 70%
Trackmania Turbo $9.99 75%
Trials Fusion: Awesome MAX Edition $11.99 70%
Trials Fusion $5.99 70%
Tricky Towers $4.49 70%
Tyr: Chains of Valhalla $3.29 70%
Ultrawings $7.49 70%
UNO $2.99 70%
Unravel $4.99 75%
Unravel Two $7.99 60%
Unravel Yarny Bundle $14.99 50%
Watch Dogs 2 $17.99 70%
Watch Dogs 2 – Deluxe Edition $20.99 70%
Watch Dogs 2 – Gold Edition $29.99 70%
WRC Collection $27.49 75%
XCOM 2 $14.99 75%
XCOM 2 Collection $34.99 65%
XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition $18.74 75%
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen $15.99 60%
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games $14.99 70%
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma $11.99 70%

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